Makerspace Program Manager, The ISF Academy
Emily has a Master of Science in Education from the University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor of Science in Engineering, from Smith College. She previously worked in the energy industry and had four years of teaching experience in the US prior to joining The ISF Academy in 2021. Emily spends time outside of school hiking, fostering dogs, and trying new recipes.
Through our work over an academic year, we have designed projects that foster collaboration between our Makerspace and Li Ren (Wellbeing and Inclusion Centre). We focus on projects that encourage student collaboration, ownership, and autonomy. Using digital fabrication equipment, students have spent the year working in teams to design and create products to solve real design challenges in the Li Ren (Wellbeing and Inclusion Centre).
Our team will discuss our work so far, both successes and failures, as well as facilitate discussion around how this model might be expanded to other schools. Our findings include how much time it takes to facilitate design/build projects as well as the impact on student perception and understanding of Li Ren (Wellbeing and Inclusion Centre). We believe the best way to reduce stigma around counselling and wellbeing work is to truly integrate it into all parts of the school.